I have known Nicole all my life. Which has allowed me to observe her writing career from the start. It’s been an interesting journey to watch her transform and to see how diverse a writer she is. Her works vary from her talking about her own experiences to her showing her creativity through children’s books.
I have to take a minute to commend her for her continued efforts for supporting local authors and writers as well as supporting different charities through her different writing projects. Enjoy getting to know Nicole with the interview below!
1. Where does your passion for writing stem from?
I have always enjoyed writing. It was one of the things that came easy for me in school, that and English class. I don’t know if that is where the passion started, because when I was younger, I didn’t enjoy reading. Writing and Reading kind of go hand in hand. I have become more fond of reading over the years, and I think it has pushed me and my writing too.
2. How did the idea for The Holiday Café come about? What is The Holiday Café?
I was doing some freelance writing for various websites and blogs. My co-writer and I were talking about doing our own site. After a few years, he handed it over to me. I have kept it going since… in January it will be going on 9 years.
The Holiday Café is a mix of local authors, writers, musicians, and artists where they can showcase their work.
3. What kind of books have you written? Where can one purchase your books?
I have written a nonfiction memoir entitled My Crazy Life which came out in 2008 by a publishing house that no longer exists. I have plans to rework it and self-publish the new revised version. I have also written a children’s book, Summer Vacation. The book was illustrated by my mom which was fun to do a project with her. I also decided to do something special with the book and with each purchase $1.00 gets donated to Alex’s Lemonade Stand. The book can be purchased on Amazon.
4. Are you working on any future projects? If so, tell us what we have to look forward to?
I have three more children’s books in the works. The books will be a part of the Summer Vacation series. I will be picking different charities for these books as well. I hope to have the first of the three out by October of this year. It is called It’s Halloween and the charity organization that I am donating to is called Young Adult Survivors United. I am also working on a chapter book for older children to read.. That one is moving a little slower in progress. I know where I want the story to go, I just haven’t had the time to work on it as much as I would like.
5. Can you give helpful advice to individuals who do not like to read?
When I was younger, I absolutely hated to read. I struggled with it. I didn’t like reading for assignments or just a book for fun. When I got older, I picked up a book in the airport and couldn’t put it down the entire flight home. I found more books from that author and suddenly I enjoyed reading. I think some of it is how you were taught in school – the learning process for reading… but the other half of trying to find a book that you enjoy.
6. Do you have any publishing advice? How do you find time to write? Any advice on becoming a better writer?
Publishing is hard. You can submit and submit and constantly be rejected because your manuscript doesn’t fit in their mold. Self-publishing is easier – but then you have to market yourself. I find it easier to write old-school with a notebook and pencil so I can take it wherever I go. I can sit and write before bed, while sitting at my son’s soccer practice or while waiting around. Hum, how to become a better writer, keep writing. Keep practicing your craft. Take classes and take constructive criticism to heart. There will be haters too, harsh critiques that you just have to take with a grain of salt, in the end It will all help you.
7. What are some of the things you have learned while creating your books?
It’s fun to write the stories. I am not like most writers – I don’t sit down and plot out most of my stories – I have a central idea and the rest just flows from me. If I have the opening line, I am good to go for the rest of the book. The nonfiction book, some hilariously funny not happening to you every-day stuff was constantly happening to me. It was fun to relive some of those stories and cathartic to get some of them out too. The children’s books are fun, they are full of all kinds of rhymes.
If you would like to purchase It’s Halloween please click the photo below:
Phil is an Illustrator/Animator with 50+ years of experience. He has worked on 94 books, animated films, and more. Check out the interview below!
Phil is an Illustrator/Animator with 50+ years of experience. He has worked on 94 books, animated films, and more. Check out the interview below!
Great article.
Thank you!